Pedagogical education
Our Pedagogy
Our Early Years Pedagogy is to promote children’s welfare, learning and development.
We follow the Finnish Early Year’s Curriculum with an emphasis on the Curiosity Approach ethos. The Curiosity Approach is a modern-day approach to Early Childhood education. The CLP is for inquisitive curious and creative minds giving children the opportunity to touch, handle and investigate their environment free from adult expectations and limitations. Children can explore how things work and use items that follow their own individual learning style.
In our holistic learning environment, we attach great value to the development of social skills, self-development and the motivation for learning in all areas.
Children are exposed to mathematical and scientific activities and will have the opportunity to express their creativity through arts and crafts, music and drama together with our high-quality teaching and natural materials. At the CLP we support the joy of discovery both indoors and out.
Alongside all the above, the philosophy of the Curiosity Approach to early learning, is that we believe children’s learning environment should look attractive and inviting, that offer subliminal messages to come & play. Enticing children into a wondrous land of magic, awe and wonder, whereby they come deeply engrossed and engaged in play.
The CLP does not only focus on one area of learning, but rather puts equal amounts of focus and support in every area of learning. Whether it is outdoor and forest play, physical development, art or music.
Pedagogical documentation

We use a tiny app a tool for communication.
Tiny App is a pedagogical assistant for teachers to support documenting, planning and evaluating pedagogical activities for individual children. Tiny App has features for managing the daily activities in the early education, including marking the kids present or absent and sharing messages and pedagogical documentation with parents.
We collect important milestones through photos, video and voice recordings for you to look at and be a part of your child’s learning journey with us. The children are a big part of the tiny app process and often ask us to take a photo of their creations to send to their parents.
When we use the tiny app to plan group activities, the children are a big part of this process.
Each milestone relates to curricular learning goals. These learning goals are directly linked to the Finnish Early Years curriculum definitions.
The main aims of our app:
– Sharing important information about the child between parents and teachers.
– Sharing content between teachers and parents.
– Sharing child’s progress based on the pedagogical documentation.
– Documenting the pedagogical activities in the kindergarten.

Please read more on how these areas of development are executed in practice in our action plans you can find on the front page.